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Graphical representation of your data is a must if you want to react to trends, manage exceptions, or improve workflow. Intellimas dashboards can be set up in minutes and provide you with intelligence that may not be seen in rows and columns. Perhaps the best part is that you can click-through the chart to see the underlying data so that you can take action. See below for additional features.
Choose from chart types such as bar, line, pie, doughnut, text, and horizontal bar.
Link the chart series to underlying data in specific Intellimas entities with one click.
Any data in Intellimas or other data sources for which Intellimas has access can be charted
Chart can be rendered based on various dynamic variables such as dates, user names and groups, etc.
Charts are rendered periodically based on a user managed scheduler which churns through the data.
The charts can be viewed in two different sizes. Any chart size can be zoomed in as well with one click.
Show/hide any data series with a click of a legend label. Mouse-over the chart to see data values.
Various options available such a stacked bars, legend hiding, minimum / maximum values, etc..